CH - U is the Highest Rank and shall consist of The Founder and the Directors / Trustees of the ITCICC
CH - E is the Second Highest Rank and shall consist of The Founding Team (and later on The Ultimate's Team) of the ITCICC
The Members of CH - E shall only be appointed by invitation from the CH - U. An initial probationary period will be mandated before finalisation for all CH - E invitees
The Members of CH - E shall assist the CH - U, represent the Council on behalf of the CH - U, and help oversee the Operations of the Council
CH - B is a Special Rank Membership and shall consist of Individual / Corporate / Organisation Benefactors of the ITCICC
The Members of CH - B shall be Invited / Recognised by the CH - U
The Members of CH - B shall offer Donations, Grants, Aid, Support, Resources etc. to the ITCICC
CH - G is a Special Rank Membership and shall consist of Government Officials acting as Members of ITCICC
The Members of CH - G shall be Shortlisted by relevant Government Ministries, Departments, Bodies and Autonomous Organisations and Finalised by the CH - U
The Members of CH - G shall help ITCICC in different areas like Grants, Aid, Subsidy, Cluster Development, Common Facility Centres, Schemes, Representations, Public Policy, Diplomacy etc.
CH - C is an No-Rank Membership and shall consist of Corporates and Brands acting as Members of ITCICC
The Members of CH - C can either be offering Tools, Products, Services, Platform, Resources etc. for/to Influencers and Content Creators, or will have the need of Collaboration with Influencers and Content Creators
Proposed Annual Fees: INR 51,000 + Applicable Taxes (For Indian Members)
CH - P is an No-Rank Membership and shall consist of Production Houses, Marketing Agencies, PR & Communication Agencies etc. acting as Members of ITCICC
The Members of CH - P can either be offering Products and Services for the Influencers and Content Creators, or will have the need of Collaboration with Influencers and Content Creators
Proposed Annual Fees: INR 31,000 + Applicable Taxes (For Indian Members)
CH - T is an No-Rank Membership and shall consist of Talent Agencies, Talent Agents, Talent Managers and Talent Scouts, acting as Members of ITCICC
The Members of CH - T can either be offering Talent Management or Talent Representation Services to Influencers and Content Creators. They can either be an Individual or Organisation
Proposed Annual Fees: INR 21,000 + Applicable Taxes (For Indian Members)
CH - 5 is International Category Membership and shall only consist of Influencers and Content Creators, acting as Members of ITCICC
The Members of CH - 5 will have the provision to Contest the International Level Leadership Elections and National Level Leadership Elections (in their respective Countries). However, position of only One Level will be permitted, should the Member win at both the Levels
Proposed Annual Fees: INR 1,11,000 + Applicable Taxes (For Indian Members)
CH - 4 is National Category Membership and shall only consist of Influencers and Content Creators, acting as Members of ITCICC
The Members of CH - 4 will have the provision to Contest the National Level Leadership Elections and the State Level Leadership Elections. However, position of only One Level will be permitted, should the Member win at both the Levels
Proposed Annual Fees: INR 81,000 + Applicable Taxes (For Indian Members)
CH - 3 is State Category Membership and shall only consist of Influencers and Content Creators, acting as Members of ITCICC
The Members of CH - 3 will have the provision to Contest the State Level Leadership Elections and the District Level Leadership Elections. However, position of only One Level will be permitted, should the Member win at both the Levels
Proposed Annual Fees: INR 51,000 + Applicable Taxes (For Indian Members)
CH - 2 is District Category Membership and shall only consist of Influencers and Content Creators, acting as Members of ITCICC
The Members of CH - 2 will have the provision to Contest the District Level Leadership Elections and the Local Level Leadership Elections. However, position of only One Level will be permitted, should the Member win at both the Levels
Proposed Annual Fees: INR 21,000 + Applicable Taxes (For Indian Members)
CH - 1 is Local and Village Category Membership and shall only consist of Influencers and Content Creators, acting as Members of ITCICC
The Members of CH - 1 will have the provision to Contest the Local Level Leadership Elections
Proposed Annual Fees: INR 5,100 + Applicable Taxes (For Indian Members)
CH - 0 is Novice Category Membership and shall only consist of Influencers and Content Creators, acting as Members of ITCICC
The Members of CH - 0 will have no provision to Contest in any Elections. This Category is kept for Novices, Beginners and Avocational Influencers and Content Creators
Proposed Annual Fees: INR 1,100 + Applicable Taxes (For Indian Members)
1. The details mentioned here are tentative and subject to changes and revisions
2. People under the age of 18 years will be permitted to become Members of ITCICC, only in the CH - 0 to CH - 5 Categories, subject to consent and application by Adult Parent / Guardian / Caretaker. Members under the age of 18 will NOT be permitted to either contest or vote in any Elections
3. Aadhaar OTP based Membership is being proposed for Members from India Chapter. Similar Membership SOPs may be considered for Chapters of other Countries, as per their Unique Identification Tools, Provisions and Regulations